Mount Pritchard Public School

Deeds Not Words

Telephone02 9823 9820

Transition to our school

Strong relationships and information sharing between families, early childhood settings, and schools help support a child's successful transition to school. Evidence suggests that children who have a positive start to school are likely to engage well and to experience ongoing academic and social success. 

School readiness program

The school readiness program operates from 9am to 11am on Wednesdays and Thursdays. It is open for all students who will be attending Kindergarten the following year at Mount Pritchard Public School. You are required to pay a small fee of $5 per session however, a credit of $170 will go towards the purchase of a uniform pack when you enrol them (a minimum of 20 weeks attendance is required). Students enrolled in the program will have opportunities to develop a wide variety of fine motor, gross motor, literacy, and numeracy skills to ensure a smooth transition to Kindergarten.  For enrolment please contact the school office on 02 9823 9820.

Kindly complete the transition statement to help school teachers get to know your child before they enter Kindergarten, then make connections with them and respond to their individual learning needs at school.

For queries please contact the school office on 02 9823 9820.